Watermark Medical Component Installation

The page you were attempting to visit requires one or more Watermark Medical software components to communicate with the Ares device.

This page will help you to install these components. Right now your browser is connecting to our web servers and downloading the installation files. You may not see any activity for a period of time while your browser is downloading.

Note: You may need to have administrative rights on your machine in order to install software. Additionally if you are running Windows Vista you may need to run Internet Explorer as Administrator in order to bypass the UAC window. Please see your system administrator for further details.

Once the download has completed you may see the information bar pop up at the top of your screen. It should look like this:

[Information bar image.]

When you see it click on it and select to "Install Active X"

[Information bar image.]

A pop up message box will display asking you to install our digitally signed software.

Click the install button. This will start the component setup. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

[Digitally signed component install dialog image.] [MSI installation GUI image.]

Once the installation is complete we'll test to make sure that everything was installed correctly. If all is well we'll redirect you to the page you were working on. In the event there is a problem the page will attempt to reinstall the software components before bringing you back to the page you were working on.